A few evenings ago the Canadian Embassy hosted a
“Quebec City 400th Anniversary” show and tell. It was superbly
presented with 3 high-tech cameras in subdued blue-fog lighting visible
from everywhere in the room. Even if you were investigating the alcoholic
goodies at the bar, probing the variety of cheeses at the food table,
checking out all the good looking guests or hob-knobbing with the
Ambassador the movie screens showing a beautiful Quebec City were all
quite visible.
In addition to all the glittery of the festivities and
the bon-vivant reception we were treated to a performance by one of Cirque
du Soleil’s great acts. On a stool-type-table with a top the size of a
dessert plate the performer put on an amazing display of acrobatic skill.
This very attractive, svelte, young lady without a muscle in evidence kept
the crowd mesmerized with her athletic strength and skill.

The guest speakers, such as, the Honorable Mayor of Quebec City and other
dignitaries kept their remarks short, funny and to the point.